Yearly Archives: 2018
Congratulations to our newly elected bargaining committee members! After our vote 9/6, with five spots filled, the full committee leading SENS-UAW in Fall 2018: Angela Butel (Public and Urban Policy, Milano) Zoe Carey (Sociology, NSSR) Michael Dobson (Politics, NSSR) Cagla Orpen (Politics, NSSR) Kevin Rice (Psychology, NSSR) Jonas Voigt (Transdisciplinary […]
An election for the SENS-UAW Bargaining Committee vacancies (5 positions) will take place on: Election Date: September 6th, 2018 Voting Time and Location: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM, Room 528, 72 Fifth Ave, Read about the nominated candidates below: Angela Butel, Public and Urban Policy, Milano I […]
Today, the Bargaining Committee sent out the following message to our members: Dear SENS members, After a phenomenal four day strike this week, we have engaged with members extensively over the last 36 hours to seek their input on the path forward. This engagement has included meetings, one on one […]
President Van Zandt and Provost Tim Marshall wrote a misleading message to our community regarding the state of our contract negotiations. See our revisions below. – Subject: We corrected DVZ’s message to the community 20 April 2018 To The New School Community, SENS-UAW was pleased to read the recent update […]
What exactly went down in 2017? Well, after nearly three years of organizing, this year we finally won our union! Here’s our end of year review, which highlights the immense organizing we’ve done, the allies we’ve made, and the fight ahead, one whose challenges we can certainly overcome — as […]